Aquesta és la nota de premsa i la directiva europea de la nova jornada laboral permesa. Sense comentaris (la directiva es retrata per ella mateixa) i amb tota la indignació possible. Aquest és un altre exemple de com la política europea ens afecta.
Notícia a vilaweb: La jornada laboral podrà ser de fins 65 hores setmanals
La nova directiva: Working time Directive
Nota de premsa:
The main points of agreement in the Working Time Directive are:
- on-call time to be split into active and inactive on-call time. Active on-call time to be counted as working time
- inactive on-call time may not be counted as rest time and can be counted as working time if national laws or social partners agree
- standard maximum limit remains at 48 working hours per week unless an individual worker chooses otherwise (opt-out)
- new protective limit (cap) for workers who opt out: maximum working week of 60 hours unless social partners agree otherwise
- new cap for workers who opt-out if inactive on-call time is counted as working time: maximum working week of 65 hours
- the cap protects all workers employed for longer than 10 weeks with one employer
- opt-out only under certain conditions, such as: no signature during first month of employment, no victimisation for not signing or withdrawing opt-out, employers must keep records on working hours of opted-out workers.
Cap comentari:
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